Monday, March 05, 2007

Former Halliburton executive tied to poor treatment of injured vets

A private military contractor headed by a former senior Halliburton executive is providing poor and decrepit hospital conditions for injured war veterans at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, a congressional committee has found.

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Outsourcing at Walter Reed -- the Halliburton Connection

Could it possibly be that the biggest problem in the War in Iraq is also the biggest problem with the Walter Reed scandal? OK, there are lots of problems with the War in Iraq, but one big one has been about outsourcing. Halliurton, Kellog Brown and Root, and many other companies have been accused of shoddy work in Iraq -- now at Walter Reed.

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The Hole - video powered by Metacafe

Judy Woodruff reports on veterans not getting proper care for brain injuries.

(Video) US soldier revealed mistreatment & utter disrespect @ Walter Reed

A number of soldiers that were victims of the mistreatment and disrespect at Walter Reed testified before the House Committee on Government Reform. Staff Srg John Shannon, who was wounded in battle, describes how he was talked down to by the staff & Walter Reed.

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Pentagon Tries To Silence Walter Reed Patients

In response to the Walter Reed scandal, the Army has given strict guidlines to patients about their communications. The most significant is that they are not allowed to talk to reporters.In addition, patients at Walter Reed are now subject to daily inspections, which Army Times describes as unusual after basic training.

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Officials say outsourcing partly to blame for Walter Reed failures

Several lawmakers questioned whether it had been a mistake to outsource base operations support through a competition conducted under the Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-76 rules. The Walter Reed competition began in January 2000 and went through numerous protests and appeals. The contractor selected to perform the work, Cape Canaveral

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Interview with Max Cleland on the state of Veteran's Health Care

Max Cleland, former Viet Nam War Vet who received care in the Walter Reed Veterans' Hospital after he lost his legs in Viet Nam speaks out about the state of Veterans' Care in this interview with Newsweek.

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Panel: Army Hospital Woes Go Beyond Walter Reed

The problems at the Walter Reed Army Hospital may just be an example of what's typical in the system. Our soldiers deserve better!

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Father and Son Turn Back on VA Hospital

After his son's terrible experience at a VA hospital, a father fights to get his son out and vows never to use a VA hospital again.

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Is Bureaucracy to Blame for Walter Reed Shame?

Congressional hearings begin today about the treatment of soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Philip Carter, former Army officer and military affairs writer, blames the scandal on the bureaucratic culture of the United States Armed Forces. NPR broadcasts story.

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VA Head Acknowledges Mistakes at Hospital

NPR radio broadcasts summary of mistakes at veterans hospital.

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